Thursday, September 6, 2012

Weight Watchers Chocolate Muffins

 no, i haven't been in a coma. no, i haven't been vacationing all summer. no, i don't have a life. 
but what i do have is a family, a job & love for young adult literature. & i'm lazy. so there you go.

weight watchers recipes. i used to be all like, "lolz- weight watchers is only for people that need to lose weight & can't eat whatever they want. i'll never have to worry about that."

if i could punch my 20 year old self in the face i would. you're welcome. wtf right?

i'm a pretty old & mature 28 year old now, who's pushed out 2 kids, watched her metabolism go to shit & has a passionate love affair with Nutella, carbs & all things salty. so weight watchers recipes? come at me bro.

Weight Watcher Chocolate Muffins 
You Need:
1 box of sugar free chocolate cake mix (I used Pillsbury Devil's Food)
1 15oz can Pumpkin (Libby's)
8 oz of chocolate chips
1 tblsp instant coffee

Directions: Pre heat oven to 350. Mix together the cake mix, instant coffee & pumpkin in the bowl of your stand mixer. 2-3 minutes is ideal. Stir in 6 oz of the chocolate chips. Spoon the mixture into your muffin cups (it's pretty dense & doesn't rise very majestically so feel free to fill em' up)
Toss a few choc chips on top of each muffin & bake for 20-25 min (check around 20)


then EAT ALL THE MUFFINS!!! i think these = 1-2 WW points per muffin (give or take). & they taste fabulous.